
"Why are you so perfect?"

I have finished my shoes. (Although all I did was add a lace applique with fabric glue, which took about 3 minutes, so I'm not sure why I have been putting it off for 2 months.)

I finished making my necklace. (This did not take 3 minutes. I'm pretty sure I spent around 10 hours on it. But I kind of love it a lot, so it was worth it.To me. Probably not to someone else.)

Nick and I picked out wedding band options and narrowed them down to two. (Don't worry, we are not going to try metalwork ourselves.:)

The last big two things that I am trying to get done now are flowers and music. All suggestions are welcome.

Reviewing this post I realize I might sound like I'm bragging. And, well, I am. But you can too. What have you created lately? Or accomplished?

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