
bits and bobs and my 150th post

Guess what. This is my 150th post. I'm happy about that. :)

Anyway, today is the start of Nick's birth week since his birthday is exactly one week from today. We started the day out right by going to the gym together and then I made him french toast with applesauce on top. We're going to keep on celebrating tonight by going to see The Dark Knight Rises. Movie posters like this one for The Dark Knight have me even more pumped. Seriously, one of the best designed movie posters I've ever seen.

Have a great weekend! The following are a few favorites from around the interweb lately.

I've recently discovered a passion that I have for prop and photo styling and Jen articulates here what I admire about picture like these and the stylists behind them.
I love Amanda's column on her blog. She's featured some of my favorite artists/bloggers.
My new sandals have made me want more new sandals, like this orange pair and these platform coral and grey ones
If I could paint like Katie our whole house would be bright and floral.

This painting by Samantha French makes me think of cloudy days and beaches at the same time, which is sort of the weather we have going on out here today. And it also makes me want to paint. So, I'll rise to the challenge from my inner artist. If you're looking for inspiration checkout my art board on Pinterest.



  1. Cute links! And I like that picture - it's really cool that the face is essentially just brush of paint. The lack of features is interesting and keeps the anonymity.
    ♥ xixia | thisisxixia.com

  2. This painting is really great. Wish I had one at my home!

    p.s. congrats on the 150th post!

  3. french toast and applesauce, yum!

    Hope he has a great birth week!

    and I LOVE the painting, so perfect for summer!

  4. I love this painting! it's so simple and still feels so much like summer.

  5. I adore the painting in the photo! So simplistic, but beautiful. I hope you enjoy TDKR! xx



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