

Let's say that you wake up one day and realize that you're not as excited about the trajectory of your life as you think you should be.
Let's say that you look into the mirror and ask yourself who, what, where are you?
Let's say that you alter your path and it's scary and hard and nigh unto impossible at times, but you love it and are happier than you've been before.
Let's say that your husband is behind you a hundred percent and not only wants you to succeed but helps you to "find yourself".
Let's say your just like me.


  1. thanks for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed reading about you and your posts, I'm a new follower :)


  2. You published a book! Tell us more about this!

    1. Thanks for asking about the book. This was actually a self-published book of short stories, poetry and photography. I made it for a print publishing class because I thought that if I needed to make a book anyway I might as well format stuff I actually made myself.

  3. You published a book and you didn't tell your best friend? thanks:) I love it a lot!

  4. Okay, amazing! This is such a wonderful idea! I wish I had done something similar in all of my publishing/editing classes.

  5. That looks beautiful - I love what I see here. Am intrigued actually. Will you be selling copies?
    Ronnie xo


Thanks for your nice words. I appreciate them so much.